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Max-Flow/Min-Cut Duality: Formulation & Theory

In the realm of algorithms and graph theory, two of the most famous optimization problems are Max-Flow and Min-Cut. The Max-Flow problem involves finding the optimal flow in a network, much like water through pipes or traffic on roads. The Min-Cut problem is about finding the minimum capacity of edges that, if removed from a network, would disconnect its source from its sink, effectively reducing the flow between them to zero. Both of these problems are formulatable as a linear program (LP) and, in fact, are intricately linked by a strong dual relationship. In this post, we introduce the Max-Flow problem and its rudimentary LP formulation. We then motivate an equivalent but more consistent formulation based on an augmented graph. Using a matrix/vector representation, we present the primal and dual LPs and walk through the interpretation of the dual LP as the Min-Cut problem.

This post is part 1 of a 2-part series. This part focuses on the linear programming formulations of the Max-Flow problem, matrix/vector representations of the problem based on the graph’s node/edge adjacency matrix, and the dual relationship between Max-Flow and Min-Cut. In the second part, we develop implementations of these two graph optimization problems in gurobipy and visualize the solutions by leveraging both primal and dual variable values.

Max-Flow Primal LP

The Max-Flow problem is defined on a directed graph $G = (V, E)$ where $V$ and $E$, repsectively, denote the sets of vertices and edges. The term “directed” simply means that each edge is like a one-way street – flow is unidirectional. The goal of the Max-Flow problem is to maximize the flow from the source node $s$ to the sink node $t$ subject to limits on the flow allowed across each edge in the graph.

To formulate the problem, let $ {V_i^+ = \{j : (j, i) \in E\}}, $ and $ {V_i^- = \{j : (i, j) \in E\}}. $ The set $V_i^+$ represents the vertices neighboring $i$ via entering edges and $V_i^-$ the set neighboring $i$ via exiting edges. For $(i, j) \in E$, let $x_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}_+$ be a variable representing the flow on edge $(i, j)$, and let $c_{ij}$ be its upper bound. Then the Max-Flow problem may be formulated as

$$ \begin{aligned} z_p^* = \max~~ & \textcolor{#4566E0}{\sum_{j \in V_t^+} x_{jt}} \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & \textcolor{#FE3F1C}{\sum_{j \in V_i^+} x_{ji}} - \textcolor{#49AF64}{\sum_{j \in V_i^-} x_{ij}} = 0, && \forall i \in V \setminus \{s, t\}, \\ & x_{ij} \le c_{ij}, && \forall (i, j) \in E, \\ & x_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}_+, && \forall (i, j) \in E, \\ & x_{ts} \in \mathbb{R}_+. && \end{aligned} $$

In the image below, we link the formulation to a specific graph.Edges entering the sink node are colored blue to match the corresponding sum in the objective function of the formulation. At node $c$, entering edges are colored red and leaving edges are colored green to illustrate the flow balance constraints at that node. maxflow-no-cycle In this formulation, the objective is to maximize the sum of flows on all the edges entering the target vertex. For the sake of simplicity, we suppose that $c_{ij} > 0$ for all $(i, j) \in E$ and that there exists at least one path from $s$ to $t$ such that the solution is guaranteed to be non-trivial (i.e., $z_p^* > 0$). Flow balance is imposed at all vertices except at the sink $t$ where there is ideally a net surplus and at the sink $s$ where there is a corresponding deficit. The flow on each edge is required to be between zero the edge’s capacity.

Intuitively, the total flow entering $t$ ought to be equal to the flow exiting $s$. Indeed, this condition is guaranteed by the flow balance constraints. In summing over those constraints, most flow variables appear exactly once with a positive sign and once with a negative sign. The exceptions are the variables for flows entering $t$ which appear only once with a positive sign and those exiting $s$ which appear only once with a negative sign. Ergo,

$$ \begin{aligned} & \sum_{i \in V \setminus \{s, t\}} \left( \sum_{j \in V_i^+} x_{ji} -\sum_{j \in V_i^-} x_{ij} \right) = 0 \implies & \sum_{j \in V_i^+} x_{jt} - \sum_{j \in V_i^-} x_{sj} = 0. \end{aligned} $$

Though this condition is superfluous, it is the foundation of a convenient reformulation. Defining a new variable

$$ x_{ts} = \sum_{j \in V_i^+} x_{jt}, $$
we observe that
$$ \begin{gather*} \sum_{j \in V_i^+} x_{jt} - x_{ts} = 0, \\ x_{ts} - \sum_{j \in V_i^-} x_{sj} = 0. \end{gather*} $$

The reformulation is achieved by considering the graph ${\hat{G} = (V, \hat{E})}$ with augmented edge set ${\hat{E} = E \cup \{(t, s)\}}.$ Incorporating such an edge (with unlimited capacity) allows all of the flow entering $t$ to recirculate back to $s$ in a cycle thus making flow balance applicable at every node including $s$ and $t$. Letting $ \hat{V}_i^+ = \{j : (j, i) \in \hat{E}\}, $ and $ \hat{V}_i^- = \{j : (i, j) \in \hat{E}\}, $ the reformulated problem is

$$ \begin{aligned} z_p^* = \max~~ & \textcolor{#4566E0}{x_{ts}} && \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & \textcolor{#FE3F1C}{\sum_{j \in \hat{V}_i^+} x_{ji}} - \textcolor{#49AF64}{\sum_{j \in \hat{V}_i^-} x_{ij}} = 0, && \forall i \in V, \\ & x_{ij} \le c_{ij}, && \forall (i, j) \in \hat{E}, \\ & x_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}_+, && \forall (i, j) \in E. \end{aligned} $$
Below, we illustrate this Max-Flow reformulation. Added edge $(t, s)$ is colored blue to match the corresponding variable objective function. Flow balance at $c$ is illustrated as it was before. maxflow-cycle

To form the dual of this problem, we rewrite it compactly using matrix and vector quantities and distinguishing between quantities pertaining to the original graph $G$ and added edge $(t, s)$:

$$ \begin{aligned} z_p^* = \max~~ & \boldsymbol{0}^\top \boldsymbol{x} + 1 x_{ts} \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & A \boldsymbol{x} + \boldsymbol{a}_{ts} x_{ts} = \boldsymbol{0}, \\ & \boldsymbol{x} \le \boldsymbol{c}, \\ & \boldsymbol{x} \in \mathbb{R}_+^{|E|}, x_{ts} \in \mathbb{R}_+. \\ \end{aligned} $$
Here, $A$ denotes the node/edge adjacency matrix for the original graph $G$. The rows of $A$ are indexed in $V$ and the columns in $E$. The column of $A$ corresponding to edge $(i, j)$ has a $-1$ in the row corresponding to node $i$ and a $1$ in the row corresponding to row $j$. The vector $\boldsymbol{a}_{ts}$ denotes a similar incidence vector for edge $(t, s)$.

Max-Flow Dual LP

Following the simple rules for forming the dual LP, we find the dual of the Max-Flow problem is

$$ \begin{aligned} z_d^* = \min~~ & \boldsymbol{0}^\top \boldsymbol{z} + \boldsymbol{c}^\top \boldsymbol{y} \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & A^\top \boldsymbol{z} + \boldsymbol{y} \ge \boldsymbol{0}, \\ & \boldsymbol{a}_{ts}^\top \boldsymbol{z} \ge 1, \\ & \boldsymbol{y} \in \mathbb{R}_+^{|E|}, \boldsymbol{z} \in \mathbb{R}^{|V|}. \end{aligned} $$

Recall the structure of $A$. The column corresponding to edge $(i, j)$ has $1$ in the $j^\text{th}$ position, $-1$ in the $i^\text{th}$ position, and $0$ elsewhere. Likewise, $\boldsymbol{a}_{ts}$ has $1$ in the $s^\text{th}$ position, $-1$ in the $t^\text{th}$ position, and $0$ elsewhere. Incorporating this information, an equivalent formulation of the dual LP is

$$ \begin{aligned} z_d^* = \min~~ & \sum_{(i, j) \in E} c_{ij} y_{ij} && \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & y_{ij} \ge z_i - z_j, && \forall (i, j) \in E, \\ & z_s - z_t \ge 1, && \\ & y_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}_+, && \forall (i, j) \in E, \\ & z_i \in \mathbb{R}, && \forall i \in V. \end{aligned} $$

Dual LP Interpretation as Min-Cut

From complementary slackness, we know that if $x_{ts}^* > 0$, then ${z_s^* - z_t^* = 1}$. It is clear from the problem structure that for each $(i, j) \in E$ the values of $z_i$ and $z_j$ are only important to the extent of their difference $z_i - z_j$. As such, we are free to fix any one $z_i$ to a constant value. Without loss of generality, let us fix $z_t = 0$. Then, again supposing the instance is non-trivial, complementary slackness requires $z_s = 1$ for the dual solution to be optimal.

Next, let $(\boldsymbol{y}^\prime, \boldsymbol{z}^\prime)$ be a feasible dual solution. If ${y_{ij}^\prime > z_i^\prime - z_j^\prime}$ and $y_{ij}^\prime > 0$, then $(\boldsymbol{y}^\prime, \boldsymbol{z}^\prime)$ is suboptimal. To see this, let $\boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime}$ be such that ${y_{ij}^{\prime\prime} = \max\{z_i^\prime - z_j^\prime, 0\}}.$ Then, because $c_{ij} > 0$ for all $(i, j) \in E$, the solution $(\boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime}, \boldsymbol{z}^\prime)$ is strictly better than $(\boldsymbol{y}^\prime, \boldsymbol{z}^\prime)$. That is, given our suppositions that ensure a non-trivial optimal solution in the primal LP, an optimal solution to the dual LP must satisfy ${y_{ij}^* = \max\{z_i^* - z_j^*, 0\}}.$

With this in mind, it is easy to show that an optimal dual solution must also satisfy $\boldsymbol{0} \le \boldsymbol{z}^* \le \boldsymbol{1}$. Again consider feasible solution $(\boldsymbol{y}^\prime, \boldsymbol{z}^\prime)$. To see this, let $(\boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime}, \boldsymbol{z}^{\prime\prime})$ be such that ${z_i^{\prime\prime} = \min\{\max\{z_i^\prime, 0\}, 1\}}$ for all $i \in N$ and ${y_{ij}^{\prime\prime} = \max\{z_i^{\prime\prime} - z_j^{\prime\prime}, 0\}}$ for all $(i, j) \in E$. That is, let $\boldsymbol{z}^{\prime\prime}$ be $\boldsymbol{z}^\prime$ clipped to $[0, 1]$ and let $\boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime}$ satisfy the criteria for optimality. For each edge $(i, j)$, there are three cases to consider:

  1. If $z_i^\prime \le z_j^\prime$, then $z_i^{\prime\prime} \le z_j^{\prime\prime}$ so $y_{ij}^{\prime\prime} = 0 \le y_{ij}^\prime$.
  2. If $z_i^\prime > z_j^\prime$ and $z_i^\prime \!\in\! [0, 1]$ and $z_j^\prime \!\in\! [0, 1]$, then $z_i^{\prime\prime} - z_j^{\prime\prime} \!=\! z_i^\prime - z_j^\prime$ so $y_{ij}^{\prime\prime} \le y_{ij}^\prime$.
  3. If $z_i^\prime > z_j^\prime$ and either $z_i^\prime \!\not\in\! [0, 1]$ or $z_j^\prime \!\not\in\! [0, 1]$, then $z_i^{\prime\prime}\!-\!z_j^{\prime\prime} \!<\! z_i^\prime\!-\!z_j^\prime$ so $y_{ij}^{\prime\prime} < y_{ij}^\prime$.

If ${z_i^\prime \not\in [0, 1]}$ for at least one $i \in N$, then case (3) is applicable for at least one edge, so $\boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime} < \boldsymbol{y}^\prime$ and $\boldsymbol{c}^\top \boldsymbol{y}^{\prime\prime} \le \boldsymbol{c}^\top \boldsymbol{y}^\prime$. Ergo, an optimal solution to the dual LP must also satisfy $0 \le z_i^* \le 1$. As such, $z_i^* - z_j^* \le 1$ for every $(i, j) \in E$ so ${0 \le y_{ij}^* = \max\{z_i^* - z_j^*, 0\} \le 1}$ as well.

Finally, note that the constraint coefficients in this problem form a totally unimodular matrix. As such, all extreme point solutions are integral. Since, as we discussed, all optimal solutions are confined to $[0, 1]^{|V| + |E|}$, all the extreme point solutions are not just integral solutions but 0/1 solutions. Since every LP has an extreme point solution that is optimal, there exists at least one optimal 0/1 solution. Of course, it is possible for two or more 0/1 solutions to exist, and in that case there also exist infinitely many non-integral solutions in their convex hull.

The crux of all this analysis is that there exists an integer programming (IP) restriction of the Max-Flow dual LP that yields the same $z_d^*$. Its formulation is

$$ \begin{aligned} z_d^* = \min~~ & \sum_{(i, j) \in E} c_{ij} y_{ij} && \\ \text{s.t.}~~ & z_s = 1, z_t = 0, && \\ & y_{ij} = \max\{z_i - z_j, 0\} \in \{0, 1\}, && \forall (i, j) \in E, \\ & z_i \in \{0, 1\}, && \forall i \in V. \end{aligned} $$
In this IP, $\boldsymbol{z}$ encodes a vertex bipartition: $i \in A$ if $z_i = 1$ or $i \in B$ if $z_i = 0$. Because $z_s = 1$ and $z_t = 0$, the only feasible partitions are those that separate $s$ from $t$, and in fact all such partitions are feasible. Similarly, $\boldsymbol{y}$ encodes the minimal directed cut that separates $A$ from $B$ and thus separates $s$ from $t$: $(i, j)$ in the cut if $y_{ij} = 1$ or not in the cut if $y_{ij} = 0$. To see that the cut indeed separates $s$ from $t$, consider that for every path $P$ from $s$ to $t$, the constraints require that
$$ \begin{aligned} \sum_{(i, j) \in P} y_{ij} &= \sum_{(i, j) \in P} \max\{z_i - z_j, 0\} \\ &\ge \sum_{(i, j) \in P} (z_i - z_j) = z_s - z_t = 1. \end{aligned} $$
That is, the constraints require that at least one edge in every path from $s$ to $t$ participates in the cut. An example $s$-$t$ cut is shown below. In the image, nodes belonging to sets $A$ and $B$ are, respectively, colored green and red. The minimal cut separating $A$ from $B$ is represented by the dotted edges. mincut-suboptimal

As a closing thought, recall that though the Min-Cut IP formulation in this section is a restriction of the Max-Flow’s dual LP, its objective value is the same. Therefore, by strong duality, the maximum $s$-$t$ flow in a graph is equal to the value of the minimum $s$-$t$ cut (i.e., $z_p^* = z_d^*$). This is in contrast to the weak duality often exhibited by other discrete optimization problems defined on graphs on otherwise. For example, the number of edges in a maximum matching is only sure to be less than or equal to the number of vertices in a minimum edge cover. The strong duality of the continuous Max-Flow problem and discrete Min-Cut problem is remarkable.

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